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What Are the Health Benefits of Owning a Dog?

Health Benefits Of Owning A Dog

Unconditional love and companionship, the emotional pillars of dog ownership, are two of the most compelling reasons to bring a canine friend into your household. Additionally, research is beginning to show that dog ownership has many additional benefits we didn’t know about previously, further deepening the emotional bond between humans and dogs.

Having a dog can be a catalyst for improving your health both physically and psychologically. Your dog’s need for exercise not only makes you more active by pushing you to spend time outdoors, but it also instills a sense of responsibility and motivation in you, leading to a healthier lifestyle. This physical activity, combined with the emotional support from your dog, can significantly improve your overall well-being. 

Here are some of the most significant health benefits of owning a dog.

1. Dogs Reduce Loneliness.

Health Benefits Of Owning A Dog

Loneliness is a horrible feeling, and it can have a negative impact on your mental health. The lonelier you are, the more likely you are to suffer from depression. 

While having a dog is not quite the same as having a human friend, it can be almost as good. In fact, studies show that dog ownership is a powerful antidote to social isolation and loneliness, two common concerns for many people. 

Aside from providing unconditional love and companionship, your dog will also encourage you to spend more time outdoors and make you more likely to interact with other dog owners. 

Chatting about your dog with others or joining dog-walking groups can help you make new friends, another great way to combat loneliness.

2. Dogs Are Good For The Heart.

Did you know that owning a dog can potentially extend your lifespan? A comprehensive review of multiple studies has found that dog owners have a significantly lower risk of death due to heart complications and high blood pressure, offering a reassuring testament to the heart-healthy benefits of dog ownership. 

There are a few ways your pooch can improve your heart’s performance. First, living with a dog and looking after it can help reduce symptoms of stress. Multiple studies show dogs help alleviate stress and anxiety. 

As an added bonus, taking your dog’s regular walks will ensure you get consistent cardio into your routine, which can also help minimize potential heart risks.

3. Dogs Help Us Cope Emotionally.

As mentioned above, dogs are great for combatting stress and anxiety. Just ten minutes of time with a dog can have a significant impact on stress levels. Even just petting a dog can slow your heart rate and reduce your blood pressure. 

Dogs can also help us manage crises. According to one report, military veterans with PTSD do better both physically and psychologically when they have a service dog to help them manage their condition. Veterans with dogs have fewer PTSD symptoms and better coping skills. 

4. Dogs Keep Us Active.

Health Benefits Of Owning A Dog

It’s easy to make excuses for a sedentary lifestyle. Many of us spend all day in front of a desk at work and then come home and lie on the sofa. With a dog, you’re more inclined to get up and move. You need to get up and give your dog exercise, after all. 

Studies show that dog owners are around four times more likely to meet the daily recommended amount of physical activity. If you enjoy spending time outdoors with your dog, you’re more likely to do active things, like going to the beach or playing fetch.

Thanks to your dog, you might even join groups that engage in pet-related activities or spend more time hiking and exploring. 

5. Dogs Make You More Attractive.

Health Benefits Of Owning A Dog

Various studies have shown that men are more likely to ask for a woman’s phone number when they see her with a dog. 

Other reports show that men and women are more likely to swipe right on pictures that include an image of a dog. Women, in particular, get more “likes” when they have dogs in their profile photos.

6. Dogs Keep Our Brains Working.

Dogs can also have an impact on your cognitive function as you start to age. Studies show that pet therapy improves the cognitive capabilities of residents in senior care with mental illnesses. Some reports even show that seniors with dementia are less agitated when they have a dog around. 

Additionally, your dog’s ability to keep you active will help keep your brain in good condition, which improves focus and cognitive function. 

Final Thoughts 

When it comes to health benefits, dogs are in a league of their own. They’re not just excellent for lifting our spirits and reducing the risk of mental illness, but they also keep us in good physical shape. If you need more reasons to adopt a dog, now you have six compelling ones! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Dogs can help reduce loneliness by providing unconditional love and companionship, encouraging outdoor activities, and facilitating social interactions with other dog owners.
Yes, research suggests that dog owners have a significantly lower risk of death due to heart complications and high blood pressure, which can contribute to a longer lifespan.
Dogs can help alleviate stress and anxiety by providing emotional support, encouraging physical activity, and offering a sense of responsibility and motivation.
Yes, dogs have been shown to be effective in helping individuals cope with emotional trauma, such as PTSD. Service dogs, in particular, can provide significant support and aid in managing symptoms.
Yes, various studies suggest that having a dog can increase social interactions and even influence dating preferences. For example, men are more likely to ask for a woman's phone number when they see her with a dog.
Dogs can positively impact cognitive function, particularly in older adults. Pet therapy has been shown to improve cognitive capabilities, and having a dog can encourage physical activity and social interaction, both of which are beneficial for maintaining cognitive health.
Yes, having a dog can be particularly beneficial for seniors with dementia. Studies have shown that seniors with dementia are less agitated when they have a dog around, and the dog's presence can even help reduce symptoms of the condition.

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